Monday, June 7, 2010

New Febreze Home Collection $10 Rebate

There is a new $10 Febreze Home Collection Rebate available! Spend $20 on Febreze Home Collection Items between 6/6 and 9/6 and receive a $10 rewards card back by mail. Even if you don't use coupons, you still are essentially getting 50% off. BUT - if you do have coupons, you should be able to score a GREAT deal.

Receive a $10 rewards card when you purchase $20 of your favorite Home Collection products.

To receive your $10 rewards card from Febreze, please do the following:
1) Completely fill out THIS form.
2) Circle the eligible products and their corresponding prices on your original dated cash register receipt.
3) Enclose the original UPC’s (bar codes) from qualifying packages.

Thanks, Michelle

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  1. I'm curious how using coupons would affect the rebate. If you use coupons and lower your OOP to below $20, would they reject your request?
    Anyone have experience with that sort of scenario?

  2. Your total is before coupons. So using coupons make this deal that much better!!

    I have never had any rebates refused or denied due to using coupons. Coupons are just another form of "payment."

    Hope that helps.
