Monday, May 10, 2010

WEEK 2 - 16 Ways to Execute a Successful Garage Sale - ORGANIZING & STAGING

As you know, I will be posting every Monday in May, tips on how you can execute a super successful garage sale.

Before you continue reading, check out Week 1 - COLLECTING.

Week 2 – Organizing & Staging

Plan, Organize & Stage (POS) hehe
The more organized you are, the more profit you will make. Figure out how you are going to stage your items, if you need more tables, how you are going to hang things, etc. Envision what it will look like in your head.

How are you Organizing everything?
What furniture will you need? Do you have enough tables?

Clothes Hanger Idea – One garage sale, my dad had an idea to put 2 steel bars in between ladders. This made a great, sturdy, clothes line. You can even put clothes on the outside steps that you want to feature. If you don’t have a steal bar, use a piece of wood, broomstick, anything that will hold. Obviously you will need 2 ladders to do this. But as many steps as the ladder has, you can put all your clothes on this contraption. Like so...
Another tip - Put an outfit together. One month, my brother had noticed we were selling a green soccer jersey and soccer cleats. So we put those 2 together to where they would be very visable. And it got a lot of attention. Peope don’t want to “rummage” through a poopload of clothes, especially boring clothes. So do it for them!

You personally might not have enough tables to display everything, so either borrow them, or get creative. You can always use the bottom of boxes as a “table” or even those big plastic tubs, those work well. You can use you furniture as well, just make sure your customers know the furniture is on sale.

Money & Change – Do you have enough cash on hand (especially $1’s & Quarters)? Make sure that you have enough change for people.
Get about $100 in change:
3 - 10's = $30.00
6 - 5's = $30.00
23 - 1's = $23.00
1 Roll Quarters = $10.00
1 Roll Dimes = $5.00
1 Roll Nickles = $2.00
Hopefully you will have enough for big bills. One time someone paid with a $100 bill. He took all my change! So I had to go somewhere to break the $100 bill.

Staging Ideas:
Kids Section – Even though it’s not a good idea to bring kids to Garage Sales, sometimes parents just can’t get around it. So take advantage of this!! Have a young kids section with fun items. Most of the time kids will find those items, play with them, and beg their parents to buy it for them. And most of the time, the parent will cave and buy it for them. Put out things like sports balls, dolls, colorful items, makeup, books, activities, fun things, games, etc. in a specific section. They will get picked up and sold every time!

Dollar Spot – Something about a “dollar spot” screams BARGAIN! My parents own a Christmas Tree Farm, and one year I was in charge of the giftshop. I thought it would be super cool to have a “dollar spot.” So I set up a little corner, dressed it up with some fun decorations, and those items sold out VERY quickly! If you have multiples of 1 item, this would be a good idea for those.

FREE – You probably have some stuff that won’t be able to sell, or even sell for much. Put those items in a box and let people roam through it. Hopefully they’ll buy something as well!

Stay tuned next week: Strategizing

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