Friday, August 13, 2010

Financial Friday - Once a Month Cooking (Breakfast Muffins)

A few weeks ago, I mentioned Once a Month Cooking - with potatoes. For only a few hours, you could have several different varities of potatoes cooked for an entire month. Think about how much time that saves you...

Here is my version of Once a Month Cooking - Breakfast Muffins

Even though I don't have kids - I have a husband. Between the 2 of us, we are rushed in the mornings. By cooking these ahead of time, we can have a good, CHEAP breakfast. AND on the go too! No dishes - no clean up! Super easy.

Ingredients (makes 6 muffins):
English Muffins 6pk - $1.19 (Mrs. Baird's Outlet)
Cheese (Shredded or Sliced) - ~$.10 (bought 8 oz bag for $.89)
3 Eggs - $.18 ($.69/dozen at Aldi)
1/3 cup Milk - ~$.10
Meat (Sausage, Ham, Bacon) - $.80 ($1.20/ea. made 9 - I got a good deal on Sausage at Kroger, so I used sausage this go round. If I don't find a good deal, I just use Turkey Bacon or Ham.)

Total: $2.37 = $.40 each muffin! Um...that beats ANY fast food breakfast "value" item!!

Here's what I did:
* Mix milk & eggs. I use microwavable egg poacher, so I divided the mixture in 6ths and cooked it in the mic. (Using 1/4 cup each muffin seemed to work well)
* Cook sausage or bacon according to your liking. I was able to make 9 sausage patties. For bacon, I cook 6 slices - 1 for each muffin.  For ham, I use 2-3 slices each muffin.
* When everything is cooked - assemble muffins: Egg patty, sprinkle cheese (or use sliced cheese), add your meat.
* Wrap muffin in plastic wrap, place back in package, store in freezer or fridge depending on how fast your family will eat these.

Re-heating Instructions:
* Pop in mic for 2-3 minutes while you're collecting your things to head out the door.
* Enjoy your deliciously frugal muffin while you're driving! (And NO clean up when you get home!)

What's great about this recipe is that you can make it however you like. Add more cheese - add more eggs - add syrup, use flavored english muffins, whatever you want!

Make as many as you like. Brian really likes these, so we go through these fast.  It took me about 30 minutes to make 6 of them.  The more you make, the less (average) time it takes.  I could probably make about 2 dozen in less than an hour.


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