Thursday, May 3, 2012

Primal/Paleo Diet: Day 18 of 28

Continuing my 70-20-10 percentages. It hasn't been that hard, just time consuming. I weigh and measure my foods, then enter them in my spreadsheet to make sure my percentages stay in the ballpark of 70-20-10. I have everything calculated and the formulas entered, so my spreadsheet does the math for me.

Here is what I ate today:
A smorgasbord of foods...Pork Tenderloin (trying to eat this up), Avocado, 2 Poached Eggs, Cauliflower cooked in Coconut Oil, and 1 Turkey Bacon.
Same ole salad - with Pork Tenderloin.
Organic Chicken, Organic Carrots, Celery and Onion.

I also snacked on some Almonds and Strawberries.  Here are my percentages for today:

Oh, by the way - hubby has lost a total of 10 pounds. He hasn't been doing Paleo 100%, but enough to lose 10 pounds over the last month.

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